Research agreement entered into by Loriano Zurli with the Departamento de Latín e Grego (directed by Prof. Helena de Carlos Villamarín), Facultade de Filoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain);
Research agreement entered into by Loriano Zurli with the Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein (directed by Prof. Dr. Herbert Bannert), Universität Wien (Austria);
Research agreement entered into by Loriano Zurli with the Instytut Filologii Klasycznej (Institute of Classical Studies, directed by Prof. Dr. Hab. Kazimierz Korus), Uniwersytet Jagielloński Wkrakowie (Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland);
Research agreement entered into by Paola Paolucci with the Departamento de Filología Clásica (directed by Prof. Carmen Guzmán), Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia (Spain);
ERC 2012 Advanced Grant entitled “Latin Anthology and Late Latin Poetry in Europe. A cultural bridge from Europe to Africa”, submitted by Loriano Zurli within the section “Ideas” of the FP7 calls;
SSH (Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities) 2012 research project entitled “Musisque deoque: an exploration of poetic memory in European literatures to open up new horizons and innovative research methods in the Humanities”, submitted by Paola Paolucci within the FP7 Programme, along with the Universities of Venice, Köln, Durham and Barcelona;
Both Loriano Zurli and Paola Paolucci registered in August 2011 as Experts for Research Activities within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission.