Loriano Zurli (rec.)
Anonymi In laudem Solis
(Anthologia Latina, c. 389 Riese = 385 Shackleton Bailey).
Recognovit Loriano Zurli. Translation by Nino Scivoletto.
XX/78 pp.
Series: Bibliotheca Weidmanniana Volume XIII
Publisher: Weidmann
ISBN: 978-3-615-00342-0
The foundations for this edition of the poem 389 Riese2 (= 385 Shackleton Bailey) were laid in a study by the editor, published by Georg Olms, on the theme of the manuscript tradition: Apographa Samasiana. Sulla transmissione di ‘Anthologia Salmasiana’ tra Sei e Settecento (Spudasmata 96, 2004). The new edition of the poem – Anthologiarum Latinarum II Anthologia Salmasiana codicis Thunaei – which has come down to us under the title In laudem Solis and must have originally been included in the Anthologia Salmasiana (although it is missing from the ‘richer’ codex which gives it its name), forms part of a long-standing project to revise A. Riese’s edition of the Anthologia Latina (I, 1-2, Leipzig 1894-1906).